Sunday, May 6, 2012

Things My Children Said This Week, Volume 1

Those of you who have children know, these little creatures say some very entertaining things. I got some great advice from someone I work with. She speaks from experience, as her children are now in their late teens and early twenties, when she tells me, "Chuck, you need to write these things down."

I decided that I not only need to write these things down, but I need to share them with other parents as well. Most of these quotes will have no context, because, to be quite honest, we usually don't get any context from the kids. We just happen to hear a part of what they are saying, and they will almost never repeat the phrases or explain them to us.
"And then, the golden Jesus will make it go faster!" - The boy graced us with this from the back seat of the car one afternoon. We never learned what he was talking about.
One day last week I asked Nate why he had some bandages on his legs. I knew full well that he had been to the doctor that way, but his response brought a smile to my face. - "It is because I got shot!"
"Please bless us that we don't get hit by a meteor." - During a prayer before dinner tonight.
"I need like, one hundred books and a motorcycle." - When asked what supplies he would need for pre-kindergarten.
We were lucky enough to catch this last one on video. The quote happens at about 2:20 into our daily vlog.  He told us that his plan for the day was, "I'm just gonna pee on some ladybugs."

Those were our funny quotes this week. With kids around, you never know what to expect. Please let me know in the comments section any of the funny things the kids in your life have said. I'd love to hear your stories!

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