Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Weight Loss Wednesday: Don't be a Slave to the Scale

Happy Wednesday everyone! I'll start out by sharing my progress, and that of a few of you that have let me know how you are doing. 

As of this morning I am at 338.8 lbs, down roughly 2 lbs for the week and 50 from my heaviest.

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter
A friend of mine shot me a Facebook message this morning. I did not ask if I could share, so he will remain my anonymous friend. He let me know that he has lost 4 lbs this week on Weight Watchers! Way to go anonymous friend!

Here is a video where I talk about a lot of the things that I am writing in today's blog. I know some of you will prefer to read, and other will prefer to hear the excitement in my voice and the look in my eye. Hopefully these are motivating and not creepy :)

My weight loss motivator for the day is: Don't be a slave to the scale! Let me explain what I mean.
I got on the scale this morning and I felt disappointed that I have only lost 2 lbs. When I was shedding weight last year I often lost that in a day or two. The lack of loss this week almost had me discouraged, until I put on my pants. I have lost enough to be one notch smaller on mt belt. My shirt is not pulling at the bottom button. I have energy to play outside with my kids, and I feel great for eating healthy! The scale is not showing my progress... yet. It will catch up!

While the scale is an important part of monitoring your weight loss, I think that knowing your body is even more powerful. Here are three tips for monitoring weight loss by knowing your body, rather than depending solely on the scale.
  1. Weigh-in every morning - Yes, this is a scale thing, but hear me out. Weigh yourself every morning right when you get out of bed. Empty your bladder and get on the scale (naked is best so that there are no variables based on different pajamas or socks etc.) This will help you pinpoint foods that do not work well with your body. If you gain weight every time you eat shrimp, even if it is only a few ounces but it happens every time you eat shrimp, that is letting you know that shrimp may not work well with your body chemistry. This is part of getting to know your body.
  2. Take pictures of yourself - This can be a very scary thing for a lot of us. Remember, you don't have to share them with anyone. This is just to help you keep track of your progress. I take on in front of the bathroom mirror before I shower about once a month. It is amazing how much your body changes at just 2, 5 or 10 lbs. Take the pictures, even if it feels uncomfortable. You will be glad you have them later.
  3. Take measurements of your body - What the scale, or even your eyes cannot see, a tape measure can. You will be amazed when you start to figure the number of inches you have lost. I recommend the following measurements: 
    1. Bust: Measure around the chest right at the nipple line, but don't pull the tape too tight.
    2. Chest: Measure just under your bust (Women only. Men, use the bust instructions as your one chest measurement.)
    3. Waist: Measure a half-inch above your belly button or at the smallest part of your waist
    4. Hips: Place tape measure around the biggest part of your hips
    5. Thighs: Measure around the biggest part of each thigh
    6. Calves: Measure around the largest part of each calf
    7. Upper arm: Measure around the largest part of each arm above the elbow
    8. Forearm: Measure around the largest part of the arm below the elbow
Photo courtesy of http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/
Leave a comment below to let me know your greatest "non-scale victory" and how your weight loss is going! Thanks for stopping by to visit, and remember, even if you don't have weight to lose, I'd love the support and encouragement that you can give me, and I will do the same for you. Talk to you all next week!

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