Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Weight Loss Wednesday: Oddly Inspirational

About a month ago I wrote a post called "Why Do YOU Want to Lose Weight?" I got some fun feedback on that post in the days after I wrote it. I decided it might be fun to do something a little different with today's post, so I am going to share some of the interesting things that you all have shared with me, and a few that I have found out and about on the interwebs. Some are serious, some are silly... I just hope that some of them give you a touch of inspiration for the week.

Photo courtesy of

  • Inspiration Outfits - This is the outfit that you buy, knowing that it will not fit. You hang it where you will see it every day. Try it on every once in a while... until it fits! One forum poster said "I WANT A LADY SUIT. But like, a sexy lady suit. NOT a Hilary Clinton lady suit."
  • A friend asked me "Is it bad that my inspiration to lose weight and get fit is that I want to look like Batman?" I say that is a wonderful, wacky and perfect form of inspiration... although if we are striving to look like a superhero... let's not forget about Captain America... or The Hulk... definitely The Hulk!
  • A Facebook friend writes "I joined weight watchers last friday for the 3rd time and I'm going to try it again. Its not how many times you get throwed off the horse its how many times you get back on. Last time I lost 43 pounds with no problem. But gained it back with less problem." I think he'll have much better luck this time! Get back on the horse!
  • "I’m 25 and I want to lose weight so I can look in the mirror and be happy." Can't argue with that!
  • "One word... kids." You all know that was the one word that got me going.
  • "I like to beat the scale. It is like a video game, and we are going for a low score." I love my friends... everything is a video game... and we play to win!

There are countless reasons to get fit. Hopefully one of these strikes a chord with you. If not, keep looking for the one that will help you. Incidentally, these bits of inspiration will help with any project you take on - quit smoking, lose weight, get a promotion at work, pay down debt, get good grades... figure out why you are working for these things and you will successfully achieve your goal! It will always be on your mind, gnawing at your consciousnesses until you make it happen. Remember, you can do it once you figure out why it is important to you.

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